compressed natural gas engines cars

On the Road: New Natural Gas Fueling System Keeps Cars, Trucks.
2012 Honda Civic Natural Gas Overview - Official Site.
Both feature a Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) option, which provides reduced CO2 emissions over gasoline and diesel engines, while delivering full-size truck.
A natural gas vehicle (NGV) is remarkably similar to a “conventional” gasoline. engine (like those in almost all today's cars and trucks) can burn natural gas in. being compressed to 3600 psi or liquefied at –260º F. Compressed Natural Gas.
The Pros and Cons of CNG Conversion - CNG Conversion Kits.
compressed natural gas engines cars
Alternative Fuels Data Center: Natural Gas Vehicles.
CNG Engine and Diesel Engine Conversion.
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) cylinders are also much stronger than gasoline tanks.. Natural gas also produces 50 ess engine noise than a diesel engine. . Examples: passenger cars, taxi cars and service vans; Current incremental.
compressed natural gas engines cars
How is Compressed Natural Gas Safer than Other Fuels.